How AR VR Will Shape the Future of the Workplace

How AR VR Will Shape the Future of the Workplace

Imagine this. It is that time of year again for mandatory company trainings, per the request of HR and overall best business practices. Everyone in your department shuffles begrudgingly into a large conference room and are then broken out into groups. Instead of going through boring HR trainings via PowerPoint slides or even virtual trainings over a laptop, your company decides to shake things up a bit. That is where the VR headsets are whipped out, surprising the entire office yet exciting them at the same time. Sounds fantastic, right? Right. This is just one example of how virtual reality (augmented reality) will shape the future of the workplace- HR and other trainings. 

Many people have a misconception about VR; they think it is just for gaming and brush it aside for any other purpose. That was a common thought up until recently. Now, with a constant flow of new innovations and creative ideas for VR, the technology’s purpose has been expanded upon to more than a simple entertainment device. A revolution is rising among the workplace- a technological revolution, that is. Do you want to be a part of the future of VR? Here is how it may impact you on the job.

Virtual Reality Trainings

As mentioned above, training (of all sorts) in the workplace is the main area most profoundly influenced by the virtual reality experience. It allows employees to brush up on their training in a unique, simulated environment that offers hands-on learning opportunities. This is particularly helpful for professionals in the fields of medicine, research, engineering, product design, and marketing. VR trainings are an improvement over traditional methods because it engages employees, still with the use of technology but in an active manner.

Multiple Dynamic Screens

Virtual reality glorifies the idea of using multiple screens at once. Using mixed reality headsets and glasses will allow employees in the workplace to view not only their physical computer screen but also a plethora of screens in VR. Since the visual space is 3D, you can have as many computer screens as you can imagine. The possibilities are endless. This is the future of the workplace: more screens in an immersive, dynamic experience without the hassle of actual computer monitors. Virtual reality is the new supercomputer.

3D Model Interactions

A significant way VR is shaping the future of the workplace is through 3D modeling. Imagine you are an engineer working on a design for a piece of hardware on a vehicle. Virtual reality allows you to build a digital model of that hardware and project the image into a mixed reality space, thus offering a realistic view of what the piece might look like. Interacting with these 3D models feels like the real deal, which is extremely helpful for testing functionality, design, and most other analytical criteria. Along with testing, VR allows you to undergo as many realistic simulations as you need in whatever environment you choose, all without having to leave the office.

Talent Screening

Who knew a use for VR in the workplace would be in talent screening- i.e., using augmented reality as part of the interview process. This is quite a smart use for VR, as it allows potential new hires to get a feel for the workplace before committing to the job. It also offers employers a way of seeing how the job candidate would handle certain job-related tasks and mesh with their new environment. Additionally, situational scenarios could be programmed for use in the interview. For example, an employer might ask a potential new hire to solve a problem they might face within their role.

Overall, the future of the workplace is being shaped heavily by VR/AR experiences. It is a gradual change, but it is still happening quickly in incremental stages. From what we have learned so far, VR in the workplace gives employees more freedom to make autonomous decisions, as well as extra safety and a minimized risk for conducting tests and research. It also makes training fun on a whole other level. The future of VR is prevalent in the workplace if you take a good look. Now, pick up that headset and get to work.