Job Description
Dice is the leading career destination for tech experts at every stage of their careers. Our client, Emergere Technologies, is seeking the following. Apply via Dice today!
- The role requires candidates to collaborate with internal and external teams to drive technical objectives and deliverables. The XR developer must be hands-on, resourceful, work on various initiatives, be capable of:
- Achieving complex e2e XR (both AR and VR) projects (functional, performance and test) for Smartphones, AR glasses and VR goggles.
- Software development, and e2e software integration of XR (AR & VR) applications.
- iOS and Android application development.
- Familiar with AWS and Azure DevOps development environment and continuous integration.
- Hand on experience shipping projects in Unity 3D/Unity Engine for different platforms.
- Scripting, Animation, nested prefabs, scriptable objects, GUI styles, editor components, lighting, etc.
- Software development experience with C# and C++, Python, etc.
- 3D Object modeling manipulation (geometry, textures, animations, shaders, etc.).
- Proficient knowledge of source code management using GIT.
- Familiar with Agile methodology.
- Knowledge of Networking Protocols and Libraries.
- App development experience with major vendors on AR glasses (VuZix, nReal, A3).
- App development experience with major vendors on VR glasses (HTC, Oculus, Hololens,MRTKz, Magic Leap).
- App development experience with major XR software players (Qualcomm’ Spaces, NVIDIA’s CloudX..)
- provided by Dice